Conquering Fear and Achieving Your Goals

Conquering Fear and Achieving Your GoalsConquering fear demands being fully present

Fear can shackle even the most determined individuals. Fear can slow you down and keep you from achieving your goals. What you fear is often the inner saboteur of your ambitions. To truly thrive and achieve your goals, it is imperative to dismantle the walls of fear confining your heart.

When we, as human beings, allow fear to take over our thoughts and actions, we inadvertently create limitations. Our reactions become our prisons, keeping us away from what we would do without being overtaken by fear.

What does fear do?

Instead of embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, in case of active fear, you will avoid challenging situations. You become paralyzed by doubt and uncertainty.

Fear is self-imposed restraint that hinders your progress at work or establishing new relationships and erodes your self-belief.

Fears erode your trust in people and situations. Once fear kicks in, your mind will connect your actual situation with old painful situations. So, negative emotions appear from your inner domain, followed by self-doubt and negative thoughts.

This is an endless circle of inner reactivity, that is hard to escape without learning proper intrapersonal skills. You need to be able to spot your fear, your thoughts, imaginations and emotions to know which one is active and deactivate those.

So, how do you approach conquering fear?

To start you need to understand that in life, all situations are always new. Our mind, however, based on analogy and previous experiences tries to find similarities and once you find such a similar situation that ended badly, you get lost in your inner reactivity. You just reactivate old painful situations in your mind.

As a result of your inner reactions worry, stress, anxiousness and doubts take over your mind. Stress or anxiety isn't about what is out there. Out there are stressors, what makes stressors relevant to you is your stress reaction.

The outer domain and inner domain are different

Out there is always unknown, when your anxiousness kicks in, fear thrives and the result is anxiety. Conquering fear is also a pathway to overcoming anxiousness.

As most of us lack intrapersonal education, we feel helpless within. When helplessness is activated in our inner domain, it becomes easy to blame others and take on a victim mode. It becomes easy to be stuck in your fears.

To liberate ourselves from the clutches of fear, worry, stress and anxiousness, you need to find out who you are in your core essence. Once you do find out your conscious being, you can choose to live in a state of inner calmness and enjoy mental wellness.

You are not your fears, thoughts, imaginations or emotions. While you can never control external events, you have complete control over what goes on within your mind.

You win a lot by clearing up all your fears and worries so that your heart and mind can become open and you make choices as a conscious human being.

Overcoming fear gives more freedom to act

The more fearless your heart becomes, the faster you will get things done. But if fear lingers inside, you will hold yourself back with your own thoughts, emotions and actions.

Until you allow fear to dominate, you will remain afraid. On one hand, you might say you want to accomplish this or that, but on the other, you keep letting fear and the thought of dangers ahead and appearing negative emotions hold you back.

While mindfulness practices are a start, being present alone doesn't give you access to your inner self-leadership tools. That is why learning practical intrapersonal skills becomes invaluable in this journey.

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Training our minds to focus on what is needed and also being at the same time fully present, is what opens up new opportunities.

To let go of negative emotions is possible. Letting go of the negative feelings that keep you limited, gives you more power.

It is also possible to step out of thinking and become inwardly silent and conscious. Both your emotions and thoughts consume a lot of energy.

What is understanding?

Your understanding happens outside of emotional and mental levels.

Understanding is about becoming aware of something. Understanding is a result of being conscious and using awareness-based intrapersonal skills.

Being fearless in your center is about facing challenges with courage and resilience, while also maintaining a healthy sense of caution. When we approach life with a fearless mind, we become more open to new experiences, more willing to take calculated risks, and more confident in our own abilities.

You can transform yourself by training your mind and understanding how to lead different inner processes. In that sense, the proactive mental wellness approach is transformational.

Furthermore, a fearless heart allows you to connect more deeply with your inner domain and develop healthy relations with others. When you have overcome fear, you can be fully present, more compassionate and authentic, both at work and in personal relationships.

Understanding and keeping a calm mind can further empower you and your team to overcome obstacles where others get fearful and stuck.

Removing fear from the equation becomes extremely important when you meet difficulties or market downturns or any other challenges. It is a trained and fit mind that is ready to seek solutions!


A fearless heart is the key to unlocking your full potential. Such inner potential is a must for achieving your goals, as any achievement demands keeping your focus. By overcoming fear and cultivating inner calmness, you obtain the inner power to break free from self-imposed limitations and embrace life with courage and confidence.

When embarking on this journey of self-discovery, let us remind you that mental wellness and inner calmness don't happen without the inner mastery and intrapersonal skills that allow you to remove your inner reactivity.

It is the replacement of inner reactivity with an aware response and conscious choices that make you freer to work and live a better life.

Calm mind is like a calm sea

This blog post is written and photos provided by Kaur Lass