How Taking Responsibility Leads to Greater Freedom and Fulfillment

How Taking Responsibility Leads to Greater Freedom and FulfillmentThe Light Side of Responsibility

Responsibility needs to be more understood. Those who take personal responsibility do it because it is the foundation of a meaningful and fulfilling life. 

Responsibility is the inner ability to respond consciously. A person who is aware of awareness enjoys freedom and choices.

When we take responsibility for our actions and how we lead our thoughts, imaginations and emotions, we become the architects of our own destiny.

Most entrepreneurs love responsibility, that is what sets them apart. They know that your choices empower you.

Responsibility demands awareness of your awareness, you need to lead your attention at will and know what your intention is. Lack of attention span is the problem as we discussed in the video below. So read a few more lines and then push play and enjoy!

When your mind is calm, then the inner ability to respond with awareness gives you control over your life.

Too few understand the value of making your own conscious decisions.

We are too accustomed to remaining in a kindergarten mentality and hope that someone else makes us free. But the truth is, giving up our conscious decision power and instead depending on constant inner reactivity makes us worried, stressed, anxious and even physically and/or mentally ill.

In this podcast, I had an opportunity to discuss the power of responsibility with Evett Rose. She is a counselor and author of 19 books and is focused on trauma recovery, somatic healing and psychosomatics.

So, push play and enjoy the flow of conversation!

As the discussion reveals, it is subconscious inner reactivity that leaves us vulnerable and robs our inner freedom. When we act under the constant pressure of external forces we seem to depend on others or whims of fate.

Taking back our responsibility empowers us to shape our reality. It allows us to make conscious decisions, set goals, and pursue our passions with purpose.

Only when we acknowledge that all our actions always have consequences, we are more likely to act with intention and integrity. All we can do is step into the flow of life and understand our role in what is turning towards us.

When we become calm and can respond consciously, it leads to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and a deeper sense of fulfillment. It leads to understanding that I always have a choice.

When you can choose something, it isn't yet freedom. When you can also not choose it, freedom appears. For example, freedom is not just freedom to think, you have full inner freedom when you can stop thinking at will and enjoy inner silence.

When someone's words trigger an immediate inner reaction in you that bursts out then uncontrollably in sentences that you fail to formulate consciously, your freedom is compromised. We see such situations every day at workplaces and in our homes. Mental reactions and emotional reactions often run wild, causing chaos and anger.

When you react there is no inner pause. There is an external or internal event that is followed by an immediate reaction. The pause is possible when your mind is trained and calm. The inner pause before taking action is what enables awareness to choose the best response.

Taking responsibility demands coming off from subconscious autopilot and using awareness and intrapersonal skills. As we have stated on this website over and over again, you can train intrapersonal skills!

Taking responsibility fosters strong relationships and good work/business results. When we are honest and base our decisions on conscious observations and choices we can earn trust and respect. By becoming reliable and dependable you have the power to create a positive ripple effect in your personal and professional life.

The misconceptions about responsibility

Why do people often perceive responsibility as a heavy burden? The more we postpone taking it, the harder our choices are because our subconscious inner reactivity tends to create a mess. We explain this more in-depth in the video above. Take time and apply what you learn!

Many people are accustomed to blaming external factors for their problems. This allows them to avoid taking ownership of their choices and actions. However, this approach hinders personal growth and prevents us from learning and improving.

The reality is while we have 100% control over our actions and decisions, we can't control external circumstances. True responsibility lies in our response to those circumstances, not in the circumstances themselves.

In reality, taking personal responsibility by making conscious choices is a liberating force. It frees you from the constraints of victimhood and external manipulations. 

In this context, check out Evett Rose's books. Her book 'Metaphysical Anatomy: Your Body Is Talking, Are You Listening?' allows you to ask yourself great questions and understand as a result how to become less dependent on the reactions that originate often from your past traumas. It is a good additional guide to be used on the side of modern medical treatments.


When your mind is calm and you feel empowered to create the life you consciously choose you earn the right to live with authenticity and integrity. 

I would sum it all this way: By embracing responsibility, you will have the inner power to become the architect of your life. Taking responsibility makes life easier, freer and even more joyful as you are no longer what happens to you, but instead a peaceful master of your own wellbeing. At least that is what has motivated me and equipped me with inner peace to enjoy the ability to respond!

Reactivity takes your freedom; responsibility provides you freedom. It is that simple!

This blog post is provided by Kaur Lass. My sincere thanks to Evette Rose for this joint podcast!