Self-Leadership is the Key to Mental Wellness
Your mind is constantly bombarded with external stimuli, demands, and expectations. Without strong intrapersonal skills, your ability to manage your thoughts, imaginations, emotions and behaviors is chaotic. If so, you are left at the mercy of stress, anxiety, fear or whatever else your inner reactivity experiences.
In the absence of self-leadership skills to lead the processes in your mind at will, your ability to keep your inner domain in order is weak. As intrapersonal education has been missing in our educational curricula people need to learn to secure their mind health at work.
The practical skills needed to cope with stress, anxiousness, worry and other inner reactions are, at their core, awareness-based intrapersonal skills. Having such skills is the key to mental wellness and employee engagement.
Even mental health professionals, such as psychologists and psychiatrists, aren't immune to burnout.
The recent 2024 Practitioner Pulse Survey by the American Psychological Association (APA) reveals that "despite improvements in stress levels, work-life balance, and self-care practices, a third of psychologists still reported feeling burned out."
This highlights a critical gap: the need for proactive mental wellness strategies grounded in learning practical intrapersonal skills.
The APA report also points out that early-career psychologists report higher levels of stress and burnout (51%). This makes it crucial to emphasize intrapersonal skills early in their careers.
Until universities prioritize teaching these essential self-management skills to psychologists and psychiatrists, burnout will continue to be a pervasive issue within the profession. Similarly, also other professionals who deal with people, like HR leaders tend to burn out and have even higher burnout rates. Watch Kaur Lass to explain the solution.
We need a much more proactive mental wellness approach, one that equips individuals with the tools to navigate the internal landscape and build resilience from within. We need it in all workplaces!
Action is the outward manifestation of will and practical knowledge/skills. We can’t make a difference outside if we don’t see the path to make any meaningful change within us first. So securing our calm and fit mind first matters.
Building Inner Strength
Self-leadership involves cultivating 6 intrapersonal skill-sets that are key factors in building inner strength, focus and mental wellbeing:
- Self-monitoring is based on directing your awareness and allows being an observer who notices your inner changes, but for this, you need to understand who you are at your core;
- Self-awareness allows understanding what triggers you and how to change your attitude towards your inner reactivity. It also allows you to observe your strengths and weaknesses and attain greater inner calmness due to intrapersonal skills;
- Self-regulation permits leading your emotions, thoughts and imaginations as well as bodily actions. Once you understand you are not your body or mind you can learn how to deal with your reactions effectively;
- Self-motivation depends solely on understanding your role in any activity and staying committed to your conscious choice to be involved in something;
- Compassion treating yourself and others with kindness and understanding, especially during challenging times;
- Awareness-based intrapersonal skills allow replace your conditioned inner reactivity with the ability to respond consciously. Only when you can access creativity, intuition, and insights at will, discern the important from the non-relevant, and use your thoughts, imaginations, emotions and physical body as tools are you free to lead yourself in any situation while remaining calm inside.
By developing such skills, you keep your inner calmness and become resilient which allows you to weather any storm of life.
The proactive approach to mental wellness isn't just about coping with stress; it's about thriving, about living with purpose and intention, and about taking control of our own mental and emotional well-being.
The Role of Self-Leadership in Stress Management
Many people assume stress is external and caused by deadlines, financial concerns, or personal conflicts. However, stress is 100% your internal reactivity. It isn't about what happens to you but about how you process and react to it. This is why self-leadership is so crucial.
If you remain calm and are capable of leading all processes in your internal world, external circumstances lose their power over you. The role of self-leadership in stress reduction is to free you from inner reactivity.
A lack of intrapersonal skills and self-leadership leads to chronic stress, which in turn leads to burnout and heavily impacts your physical health.
Long-term stress is also associated with conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, digestive issues, bodily tension and weakened immune function. The mental toll of stress decreases your cognitive performance and leads to anxiety disorders and depression.
High achievers often find themselves in a cycle of stress and exhaustion, believing they have no choice but to push through. This inevitably leads to burnout as you don’t allow your mind and body to relax and rest.
When you give up conscious choices, you empower your autopilot mode and habitual inner reactivity. Your subconsciousness is designed to keep you alive, but your conscious choices enable you to remain centered, calm and ethical, allowing you to thrive.
Taking responsibility is the path to good health and inner freedom! When free people join forces, great things happen. When such people are A-class players innovation thrives!
Responsibility can be light and beautiful, instead of being heavy and making you slave to the grind, as explained in this podcast.
Why Workplace Mental Wellness Needs a Shift
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) states: "Across the U.S. economy, serious mental illness causes $193.2 billion in lost earnings each year." They also state that the impact that depression and anxiety have on the global economy equals approximately $1 trillion in lost productivity each year.
As all work-related mental health issues are preventable, the reactive or treatment-centric approach alone isn't enough. By choosing to treat mental wellness as something that everyone needs you are actually stimulating your work results and the economy on a wider scale.
Corporate environments have long focused on external performance metrics while neglecting the inner well-being of employees. Yet, research consistently shows (browse and read our older blogs) that companies with a strong focus on mental wellness see increased productivity, better employee engagement, and reduced absenteeism.
It is no longer enough to focus on external measures of psychological safety or use surface-level stress management programs. True change comes from fostering a culture where self-leadership is encouraged and developed.
When people have good intrapersonal skills, they understand and lead themselves. When a group of such people, with great self-leadership powers meet, they can co-create better solutions and create a sustainable work culture that values initiative and responsibility.
For leaders, this means setting an example. Employees look up to those in leadership positions; if a leader is constantly stressed, reactive, and overwhelmed, that energy permeates the workplace.
Conversely, a leader who demonstrates self-awareness, takes mental wellness training and learns and applies intrapersonal skills and focuses on a proactive approach to challenges, inspires their team to do the same.
That is why securing mental wellness proactively for all matters.
The Future of Mental Wellness: A Proactive Approach
Mental wellness can't be an afterthought. The old model of reacting to burnout only after it becomes a problem is unsustainable. Even psychologists and psychiatrists need intrapersonal skills before they can help others. Leaders and HRs need intrapersonal skills before leading others.
The future lies in prevention.
Training intrapersonal skills allows improvement of self-leadership and is the key to your (team's) success.
When you wait until people reach a breaking point you are where we are now – 9 out of 10 employees are stressed and 4 to 6 out of 10 employees burn out. This isn't sustainable.
This is especially critical for professions and workplaces with high-pressure environments, such as healthcare, legal advisory, finance and technology.
Institutions and organizations must shift from reactive mental health strategies to proactive, preventative ones before they lose their talented employees. Responsibility needs to be understood correctly as the ability to respond and lead your inner processes with ease. From there it can turn to leading external processes amid difficult challenges.
Teaching self-leadership and intrapersonal skills in the ideal world should start early. However, within schools and universities, intrapersonal education is lacking. So, workplaces need to become educators.
Only when individuals develop intrapersonal skills, do they become better equipped to handle life’s inevitable challenges, ensuring long-term well-being and success.
Self-leadership isn't a luxury; it is an intrapersonal skills based necessity for navigating the challenges of life. Whether you are a psychologist, business or HR leader, or professional in any field, mastering your intrapersonal domain gives you the strength to thrive.
The intrapersonal ability to lead imaginations, thoughts, emotions, physical body and behaviors determines not just how well you cope with stress but how successfully you lead yourself and others.
In a world that constantly pulls us in different directions, cultivating inner calmness and intrapersonal skills is the solution. Proactive mental wellness through learning intrapersonal skills and improving self-leadership is the key to thriving in both personal and professional life.
This blog post is provided by Kaur Lass