Enjoy free online stress test and training
In this easy-to-use online training, the mental wellness expert Dr. Helena Lass demonstrates insights about awareness, stress management, and burnout prevention. You will also get:
- A taste of the mental wellness gym experience;
- The unique one-on-one e-learning experience;
- An overview of quiz/tests and personal feedback.
How common is the stress problem at work?
The 2019 'Cigna 360 Well-being survey' carried out in 23 countries proved:
► 87% of workers are stressed,
► 12% of employees claim their stress to be unmanageable;
► 91% agree that colleagues’ stress impacts the workplace with a higher degree of negative impacts.
The stress levels are high across all age groups according to 'Managing Mental Health in The Workplace' (Investors in People 2018).
It is up to you to change this as stressed employees are not fully engaged and productive.
The full-length mental wellness online training "Performing Under Pressure" enables you to remove the stress and burnout problems.
The value of this stress online training is £27 ($33 or 30€). If you act now you can access it for free!
We value your privacy. Your registration details to this wellness website will not be shared with any third parties, however, they can be used to contact you for making an e-training offer for your team. The person contacting you has no access to your personal test results.
Only a fit mind can take personal initiative without stressing out or burning out.
People with excellent mind health are engaged and productive.
When people apply what they learn in our full-length training programs, you can enjoy a tenfold ROI on your investment.
Let us show how our training works and as a bonus, you get feedback about your stress level for free!
1. The training video is based on the mental wellness e-training: "PERFORMING UNDER PRESSURE" and contains short selections from all 5 actual training videos.
2. By participating in the e-training and stress test you accept our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, which states that you don't share our copyright content without our permission and we don't share your personal data without your permission.
3. You are asked to provide a valid e-mail address and phone number along with your company name and your position for this limited-time free offer.
4. After providing the requested details you will soon receive a training invitation to your e-mail box (if you didn't receive the e-mail please check your junk mail as spam filters are often strong).
Wellness Orbit is featured in:
Dr. Helena Lass's scientific paper about the proactive mental wellness approach is published globally by Routledge:
You will learn: attention, handling distraction, stress management, burnout prevention
You will experience: Personal online stress test with instant feedback + short online training
Only you will have access to your test results.
Click the button below:
This free offer is valid for the next:
► A start "spider" to evaluate your stress level before the training.
► Video session with Dr. Helena Lass:
'Awareness, stress, and burnout' (23-minutes)
► Test quiz (sample)
► A final "spider" to learn your stress level after the training.
► Personal feedback to you based on the stress test results.
Invite your colleague or share this now ►
Enjoy free online stress test and training
In this easy-to-use online training, the mental wellness expert Dr. Helena Lass demonstrates insights about awareness, stress management, and burnout prevention. You will also get:
- A taste of the mental wellness gym experience;
- The unique one-on-one e-learning experience;
- An overview of quiz/tests and personal feedback.
How common is the stress problem at work?
The 2019 'Cigna 360 Well-being survey' carried out in 23 countries proved:
► 87% of workers are stressed,
► 12% of employees claim their stress to be unmanageable;
► 91% agree that colleagues’ stress impacts the workplace with a higher degree of negative impacts.
The stress levels are high across all age groups according to 'Managing Mental Health in The Workplace' (Investors in People 2018).
It is up to you to change this as stressed employees are not fully engaged and productive.
The full-length mental wellness online training "Performing Under Pressure" enables you to remove the stress and burnout problems.
The value of this stress online training is £27 ($33 or 30€). If you act now you can access it for free!
We value your privacy. Your registration details to this wellness website will not be shared with any third parties, however, they can be used to contact you for making an e-training offer for your team. The person contacting you has no access to your personal test results.
Only a fit mind can take personal initiative without stressing out or burning out.
People with excellent mind health are engaged and productive.
When people apply what they learn in our full-length training programs, you can enjoy a tenfold ROI on your investment.
Let us show how our training works and as a bonus, you get feedback about your stress level for free!
1. The training video is based on the mental wellness e-training: "PERFORMING UNDER PRESSURE" and contains short selections from all 5 actual training videos.
2. By participating in the e-training and stress test you accept our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, which states that you don't share our copyright content without our permission and we don't share your personal data without your permission.
3. You are asked to provide a valid e-mail address and phone number along with your company name and your position for this limited-time free offer.
4. After providing the requested details you will soon receive a training invitation to your e-mail box (if you didn't receive the e-mail please check your junk mail as spam filters are often strong).
Wellness Orbit is featured in:
Dr. Helena Lass's scientific paper about the proactive mental wellness approach is published globally by Routledge:
Private test account
Please check your e-mail for username and the password.
Price details
This investment allows you or your team to access all available Training Practices for 12 months (Annual Membership) or one Training Practice for 3 months (Single Training). Annual Membership allows unlimited re-participation in all training(s) for the chosen number of participants for 12 months. Single Training is open for 3 months and accessible for re-participation for the chosen number of participants.
With Annual Membership, you win 25% compared to investing in a single training.
If the actual amount of users on the platform exceeds the stated team size, your billing will be transferred to the next payment level and the fee difference is billed additionally.
If your team has more than 1500 employees or if you prefer to combine different e-trainings or longer training periods ask for a custom offer.
Individuals are welcome to buy the training for a single user.
By placing the order, you fully accept the Terms and Conditions.