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26.03.2018, Dr. Helena Lass (Paid access) Developing Intra-personal Skills as a Proactive Way to Individual Resilience and Personal Sustainability: the Preventive Side of the Mental Health Equation in Personal Sustainability - in Exploring the Far Side of Sustainable Development (Editors: O.Parodi, K.Tamm; London & New York 2018) |
ARTICLES ON MENTAL WELLNESS, AWARENESS & INTRAPERSONAL SKILLS:Discover articles on wellness published in the United Kingdom, Ireland, USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Latvia & Estonia. |
![]() 21.11.2024 Transforming Workplace Mental Wellness: Interview with Kaur Lass, Co-Founder of Wellness Orbit Quote: Kaur's philosophy centers on effective self-leadership as both a catalyst for personal success and a key to fostering collective team well-being. |
![]() 12.11.2024 Kaur Lass – Pioneering Mental Wellness in the Workplace Quote: True leadership begins with personal well-being. Kaur underscores that one can only support others when they themselves are in a good mental state. |
![]() October 2024 Kaur Lass – Innovating Mental Wellness Quote: Addressing mental wellness proactively, before mental health issues develop into mental health problems, is a novel approach. A proactive approach to mental wellness hasn't existed. |
03.09.2023, Kaur Lass 9 Approaches For Lowering Employee Stress Levels Quote: Stressors are external events and with good intrapersonal skills that allow you to stop inner reactivity, stressors don’t turn into stress. |
September 2024 Wellness Orbit Founder Kaur Lass is Leading the Way with Innovative Ideas for Workplace Wellbeing Quote: Your personal self-leadership skills are the secret ingredient to success, making all the difference in both life and work. |
August 2024 Quote: My primary aim is to help individuals to learn how to keep their minds calm and fit. |
June 2024 Quote: Understanding how to maintain inner calmness and concentration enables us to direct our focus where it's needed most. |
19.09.2023, Kaur Lass Upgrading Intrapersonal Skills in the Face of Rising AI and Automation Quote: When we learn intrapersonal skills, we would be less machine-like and use more of our true innate human capabilities. |
13.03.2023, Kaur Lass How Enhancing Leader And Employee Mental Wellness Is a Crucial Factor For Success? Quote: Securing mental wellness isn’t something that junior leaders and managers can figure out on their own. It demands training of their minds first. |
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10.09.2021, Kaur Lass It is time for a Global Mental Wellness Revolution Quote: A genuine change will happen when we acknowledge our own responsibility and obtain intrapersonal skills that adequately support our mental wellbeing. |
10.03.2020, Kaur Lass Solving stress and employee burnout problem demands good intrapersonal skills Quote: Knowing how to deal with stress at work and how to prevent employee burnout needs to be learned when you are well. |
10.03.2020, Kaur Lass Intrapersonal skills as a path to a stress-free life Quote: Proactive mental wellness training can give us both freedom from stress and burnout and reduce mental health risks and allow employees to be more productive and engaged. |
09.10.2019, Dr. Helena Lass How to overcome stress and burnout? Quote: Stress can be defined as the adverse inner reaction that people experience when they come into contact with excessive pressures that they fail to handle. |
25.09.2019, Dr. Helena Lass Intrapersonal skills – the most important skills in future Quote: When we can lead our inner activities with ease, it gives us peace of mind to deal with every kind of outer process with much greater ease. |
01.03.2019, Dr. Helena Lass Balancing act to integrate work and life |
19.02.2019, Kaur Lass The Missing Piece of the Wellness Puzzle – Mental Wellness Quote: A digital approach is probably the only way to tackle mental wellness. |
14/2018 (October-December), Dr. Helena Lass A Consequence of Modern Day Living - Burnout Quote: Regardless of the polarity of stress (positive or negative), biochemically your body reacts in the same way. |
10. October 2018, Jenny Darmody How to improve mental health in the workplace Quote: Mental wellness is always based on personal initiative and, at the moment, it is up to employers to provide access to such intrapersonal education. |
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September 2018, Dr. Helena Lass Intrapersonal skills as a proactive way to personal sustainability Quote: When mental wellness is considered in a proactive approach, it can be likened to going to the gym. |
August 2018, Dr. Helena Lass Quote: Intrapersonal skills form the foundation of any successful career, yet are lacking in workplaces and the wider business world due to their absence from the current educational curriculum. |
23.07.2018, Dr. Helena Lass Proactive Mental Wellness - Key to success in the midst of entrepreneurial endeavors Quote: Let’s be honest, being part of a start-up is actually more stressful than working in an established company. |
09.07.2018, Dr. Helena Lass Mental Wellness the most overlooked aspect of health Quote: Mental health is something that every person has when his or her inner functions operate in their most optimal manner. |
06/2018, Sarah Adamson/Celsius Healthcare Wellness Orbit: An e-learning Platform for Mental Wellness Quote: Wellness Orbit's online learning platform introduces an exciting new dimension to mental health. |
25.06.2018, Dr. Helena Lass New Path Towards Mental Wellness Quote: Intrapersonal skills form the pathway for a successful career, yet are lacking in the world due to their absence in the current educational curriculum. |
06/2018, Dr. Helena Lass High performance is the result of mental wellness Quote: Focusing on mental wellness is an opportunity to positively influence the lives of all employees, entrepreneurs, and achievers. |
31.05.2018, Dr. Helena Lass Burnout – I can Handle Everything! Quote: Positive stress is a double-edged sword. It releases energy for you to float high on the tides of life, but can just as quickly turn against you. |
17.05.2018, Dr. Helena Lass Intrapersonal skills as a proactive way to personal sustainability Quote: When mental wellness is approached proactively, it can be likened to going to the gym. |
12.04.2018, Chad Palmer Workplace Mental Wellness and Intrapersonal Skills: A Case for a Proactive Approach Quote: In order to have good mental health, we need to perform activities that support mental wellness. Mental wellness can be achieved through practical knowledge of intrapersonal skills. |
22.03.2018, Dr. Helena Lass Effective listening by using awareness Quote: Attentive listening can help in relationships; it can help solve our problems and expand our understanding. In the workplace effective listening results in higher productivity and more efficiency. |
20.04.2016, Dr. Helena Lass (Paid access) Fit mind and mastery of intrapersonal skills – the new untapped corporate resource Quote: Performance at the workplace is the best when your mind is fit. This means mastery of your intra-personal skills — the fitness of your inner environment. |
MENTAL WELLNESS & WORKPLACE WELL-BEING ARTICLES IN ESTONIAN:Eesti keelsed artiklid ja intervjuud teemadel: vaimne vorm & teadlikkus. |
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The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia: 01.02.2024, Kaur Lass Meil on läbipõlenud riigi sümptomid Why we should prioritize training our minds and strive for mental wellness, and how to make this path achievable. |
The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia: 05.04.2023, Kaur Lass Edulugu algab proaktiivsusest ja seesmisest rahust The success story is always based on proactivity and inner calmness, we can only do things when our minds are fit and well. |
The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia: 21.02.2023, Kaur Lass Teeme vaimsest vormist ja vaikusest ekspordiartiklid How to make the proactive approach towards mental wellness and make the silence of Estonian nature to thriving export articles. |
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The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia: 13.04.2022, Kaur Lass Kaotame aastaks 2030 poole regulatsioonidest ja poole maksudest Too much regulation and economic problems cause mental health problems, it is time to change this. |
The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia: 18.01.2022, Kaur Lass Tee oma parim finantsinvesteering! Mental well-being and mental sharpness investments can bring tenfold ROI. Thus, investing in mental wellness is the best investment out there. |
The Connected Health – HealthTec Cluster: July 2020, Kaur Lass Vaimne vorm, kui tööandja ja ettevõtja poolt teadvustamata ressurss This workplace mental health article opens up why prevention is key to success and productivity.
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The only Golf Magazine in Estonia:
2/2020, Kaur Lass This proactive mental health focused article opens up how winning at work or in sports is directly dependent on the fitness of the mind. |
The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia:
10.10.2019, Kaur Lass Allakäiguspiraal, mida ettevõtjad ei teadvusta Currently, entrepreneurs are unaware of their mental health costs. It opens up how the proactive mental wellness approach can improve this. |
The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia:
14.02.2019, Kaur Lass An article about how mental wellness is the very foundation of workplace mental wellness and why Estonia should export mental fitness. |
Online Magazine 06.02.2018, Dr. Helena Lass An article about why we should focus on a proactive approach to health and how wellness will be the foundation of personal sustainability. |
Online Magazine 21.01.2018, Dr. Helena Lass Mis on vaimne vorm & kuidas see aitab elus paremini hakkama saada? An article about how a proactive approach to mental wellness enables us to live and work better. |
The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia: 29.11.2017, Kaur Lass A story of how people's soft skills could be turned into Estonia's success story. Understanding the role of our awareness is key to the solutions we seek. |
Radio KUKU: 06.10.2017, Interview with Dr. Helena Lass A radio interview in Estonian with psychiatrist Dr. Helena Lass about how to develop and train mental wellness in workplaces. |
Online Magazine 21.11.2017, Dr. Helena Lass An article about huge confusion around the human mind. We have a lack of intrapersonal education that could build a foundation for mental wellness. |
Most popular Estonian Weekly News Paper: 15.10.2017, Dr. Helena Lass Juhid ei tea, mis töötajatega toimub! An article about mental health at work. It raises the question of how much leaders and managers know about the mental health of their employees. |
Estonian National Television: 10.10.2017, Interview with Dr. Helena Lass Suure osa läbipõlemisest põhjustab pikaajaline positiivne stress (sh video: ETV Terevisioon 2017) An article and TV interview about the effects that burnout has on our lives. |
The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia: 07.10.2017, Dr. Helena Lass Kuidas on lugu sinu vaimse vormiga? An article about why a proactive approach to mental health is so important for business and how it leads to excellent mental wellness. |
The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia: 09.07.2017, Dr. Helena Lass A motivational article about mental wellness and how intrapersonal skills are the non-emotional foundation of inner happiness and well-being. |
Monthly Medical Newspaper:
25.03.2017, Dr. Helena Lass A mental health article that opens up why all workplaces should talk more openly about mental well-being and why mental wellness matters. |
Monthly Business Magazine "The Secretary": 28.09.2016, Dr. Helena Lass A workplace wellness article about anxiety disorder and anxiousness opens up the steps that employers and employees need to take. |
Monthly Medical Newspaper:
22.06.2016, Dr. Helena Lass Psühhiaater: vajame muutust reaktiivselt meelelaadilt proaktiivsele An article about the need for a practical proactive mental wellness approach. |
The Biggest Daily Business Newspaper in Estonia: 08.05.2016, Kaur & Helena Lass Kuidas olla atraktiivne tööandja? A workplace wellbeing article about why mental fitness and awareness-based intrapersonal skills are important for all employers and employees. |
Monthly HR Magazine: 4/2016, Kaur & Helena Lass An article about skills we need for working in a modern business environment and why mental wellness and intrapersonal skills matter.
Monthly Leadership Magazine: 4/2016, Kaur & Helena Lass A leadership article about workplace wellness and intrapersonal skills.
Monthly Leadership Magazine:
4/2015, Dr. Helena Lass TEADLIKKUS: Tähtsaim tegur, mis teeb sind tulevikus tööturul asendamatuks! A leadership development article about awareness, consciousness, and intra-personal skills. |
Monthly Medical Newspaper:
04.11.2014, Interview with Dr. Helena Lass Suunamuutus: vaimne tervis tervetele An article on why the whole arena of mental health needs re-focusing. Why we need mental wellness for ordinary healthy people. |
Quarterly Health Magazine:
3/2014, Dr. Helena Lass A mental health article about anxiety and how to overcome it. The article is presented as a shot roadmap from anxiety to self-assurance. |
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Monthly Leadership Magazine: 11/2013, Dr. Helena Lass Ma saan kõigega hakkama, ALATI. (Läbi)põlemine - tänapäevane epideemia An article about the serious consequences of burnout and how to avoid stress and burnout. |
Monthly Leadership Magazine:
3/2013, Dr. Helena Lass 5 tegurit, miks isegi parimad inimesed tööl ära kukuvad An article about 5 factors that lead to stress. As stress often leads to burnout people need proactive skills to secure their mental wellness. |
Monthly Leadership Magazine:
1/2013, Dr. Helena Lass Uus viis, kuidas stressiga toime tulla An article about new methods on how to overcome stress by using your own awareness and becoming mindful of your situation. |
Vaimne vorm, vaimse tervise koolitus, psühhosotsiaalsed ohutegurid
Töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse seaduse kohaselt peab iga tööandja võimaldama oma töötajatel omandada oskused, mis võimaldavad toime tulla vaimsete pingetega, leevendamaks stressi ja ennetamaks läbipõlemist ning ärahoidmaks vaimse tervise häireid.