What is mental wellness definition?
Mental wellness is a vast arena relating to quality of life and work engagement.
Mental wellness isn't just a proven pathway to improve staff wellbeing and mental sharpness, but a trail to better leadership quality and improved employee engagement.
People who lead themselves, are engaged and take individual initiative are productive and creative.
Being mentally healthy is just a natural side product of a balanced inner domain and excellent mind health.
This mental wellness webpage has a proactive focus and opens up how you and your team can easily have a healthy and fit mind by training mental sharpness and inner strength.
Taking time to dive deeper here enables you easily to discover how to train your brain to deal successfully with external pressure.
When your mind is well, you live and work well.
Mental wellness as a term puts focus on how to improve health and wellbeing, thus it should be unassociated with mental illnesses.
All work related mental illnesses originate from the lack of awareness-based intrapersonal skills that allow people to deal with work-related stress and secure their mental well-being. Please kindly seek professional help when you are mindful of your mental health issues or mental illness.
However, if you feel currently fit, we remind you to start training your brain and mind proactively as this leads to the discovery of how to confront challenges more successfully and stay healthy.
Mental wellness is a proactive approach to mind health.
Let's define proactive. The proactive approach refers to self-initiated behavior that endeavors to solve or avoid a problem before it has occurred. In the case of mind health, it means training your mind to be fit and well to deal with upcoming (work) challenges.
Proactive means training habits and lifestyles that have the power to keep your mind well and sharp.
This website is designed as a B2B-focused proactive wellness solution, regardless of whether you are an employee, team leader, founder or solopreneur. Here you will discover a pathway to a more productive and healthier way of working. However, the principles opened up here also support private life and individual mental wellness.
While increasing numbers of employers are beginning to address problems related to employee mental health at work, very few are currently addressing employee mental well-being by ensuring a workplace-wide proactive mental wellness attitude.
A mental wellness focus guarantees a reduction of struggles that people face within their own minds.
The mental state of inner wellness reduces procrastination related to being physically at work but failing to employ the mind to focus on the task at hand (presenteeism).
Since mind wellness impacts 100% of your team members, securing mental wellness in the workplace should be promoted by all employers.
Let's observe the current high costs and observe the essential business benefits.
Most employers are unaware that failing to deal with mental health proactively has a heavy financial burden.
On average annual mental health loss per employee was according to Deloitte UK in 2020 between £702 ($915 or 780€) and £3,353 ($4,370 or 3,710€).
These mental health expenses included:
- Costs from sick leaves and absenteeism;
- Loss from lack of productivity (including low employee engagement and presenteeism related costs);
- The financial burden from higher staff turnover, etc.
Inflation has since adjusted those costs much higher.
Are you aware that the annual mental health losses per employee can reach up to £3,710 ($4,820 or 4,120€)?
The 2022 Deloitte UK report ‘Mental health and employers. The case for investment – pandemic and beyond' points that the annual unacknowledged mental health losses per employee now vary between £1035 ($1345 or 1150€) and £3,710 ($4820 or 4,120€).
Let us give you some mental wellness tips. The Deloitte UK report “Mental health and employers. Refreshing the case for investment” pointed out that on average, ROI into mental health at work showed a £5 gain for every £1 spent, up from the £4 to £1 return identified back in 2017.
The best ROI, however, is in proactive mental health training that is available for all staff members. In such cases, you can secure excellent mind wellness for all employees and managers and improve the whole work culture.
Mental wellness investment can bring tenfold returns (ROI up to 10,8).
When people suffer from stress, burnout, and mental health problems, it is more than personal trauma as your workplace experiences loss and your business setbacks. At the same time, investing in mental wellness proactively means gains and more than only financially. Let's observe other benefits.
The proactive mental wellness approach is your path to engaged, productive, insightful employees who take personal responsibility.
You can also ask it differently: What are the benefits of brain wellness to you and your colleagues?
People who have healthy minds and good intrapersonal skills can also access creativity and intuition that, in combination with knowing how to focus, allows them to be innovative. Would you love that kind of teammate?
Your mental wellness test as an HR or a team leader is knowing how to inspire people to focus on the right-hand side of the scale shown on the graph below. There you will find the "superpowers" that you can use when you become a mental wellbeing champion.
On the left side, you find the current reactive mental health approach. On the right side are the benefits of the proactive mental wellness application.
On the proactive side of the mental wellness graph, you will find the mental wellness activities that create real opportunities to thrive and live a healthy and productive life. These should be mental wellness goals for you and your team. Mentally well meaning in this context, your practical ability to use the superpowers mentioned on the graph above.
The graph demonstrates that the definition of mentally healthy is so much more than just avoiding (mental) illnesses. Just observe the qualities of the fit mind listed on the right end of the mental health scale.
Are you aware of your location on the mind health scale above?
On this scale, wellness is a continuum, which means you don't jump from one end to the other overnight. Fortunately, our brains are neuroplastic and thus we can train them to have mental strength. However, instead of superficial mental wellness tips you need the professionaly curated systematic approach towards securing mental wellness.
Are people in your team aware of their situation on the scale of mental wellness shown above and do they acknowledge the importance of psychological health? What is our action plan for moving your team to the mental wellness side of this scale?
In case they haven't, we guarantee that every Wellness Orbit e-training enables self-evaluation before and after the training.
Mental wellness self-evaluation enables you to properly understand your current mind health situation and discover a vital and sustainable mental toughness path.
Avoiding the mental illness side of the mental health graph above is the side product of excellent intrapersonal wellness. Staying well demands practical knowledge of understanding processes that take place within your own mind.
Mental fitness is about understanding how your mind operates and then doing the needed reps to train it. Mental strength comes from training the mind to respond adequately in every situation instead of reacting automatically.
Applicable intrapersonal skills allow you to deal with your automatic inner reactivity.
Knowing how to reduce stress, how to spot the early warning signs of burnout, and how to reduce your anxiousness can all be seen as your safety net when you face pressure.
We hope you understand that the definition of mentally healthy means your ability to thrive in all areas of life.
It is our mission to help you to build solid and sustainable foundations for mental well-being. You no longer need to go to a mental wellness center as on this webpage you can access the digital solution that gives you all the mental wellness tools you need.
Measuring the level of mental wellness enables more than just improving mental well-being. It also allows for enhancing employee engagement and productivity.
One of the most beneficial mental wellness activities at work is to allow everyone in your team to learn awareness-based intrapersonal skills. Those practical inner skills mean that you can apply those with open eyes in all work situations, becoming more productive and fit. Prevention of mental health issues is just one of the positive side effects.
Often the term mental health gets confused with the term mental illness. The two couldn't be more different.
Mental health is something that every person has when their inner functions operate most optimally. It is a level of psychological well-being that secures you a peaceful mind. When people have excellent mental health and optimal inner functioning, we call it mental wellness.
Mental health = mental wellness
Mental illness is a lack of mental health and is the result of failing to deal with the problematic ways of our inner functioning in time. It is in large part due to an absence of specific mental wellness education that provides people with practical intrapersonal skills for leading their inner processes.
Mental illness = lack of mental wellness
Mental illness is often a direct result of neglecting proactive mental wellness education (see illustration below), resulting in a lack of practical intrapersonal skills.
The problem we have around mental health and mental illnesses can be understood with a simple analogy. It would be as if the responsibility around fire safety would focus only on fire fighting. Then people would only rely on external measures to fight the consequences of fire – instead of learning and securing fire safety measures so that fires wouldn't break out in the first place.
This picture illustrates the old reactive approach to mental health (often referred to as 'mental illness') vs the new proactive approach to mental wellness.
Until we don't pay more attention to normal mental functions by learning skills that secure excellent brain wellness, the escalation of mental illnesses becomes impossible to stop.
We need to shift away from talking about illness and stigma fighting to a new and efficient proactive mental wellness approach. You are welcome to explore mental wellness articles that open up this new proactive approach.
The arena of mental health has been stagnating for some time, as there is no single gene known to cause psychiatric illnesses, thus there are no simple medical solutions. So far, the focus on mental health topics has been on disorders and the cure only.
The majority of methods in psychology have been developed as forms of intervention for a therapy setting and not as proactive education for healthy people.
This is a mental wellness revolution, it brings along proactive intrapersonal education that keeps your mind sharp and fit.
When you consider that every fourth person on the planet faces some kind of mental health problem, it is alarming that the importance of personal and social strategies for mental wellness has been massively overlooked for decades, especially as a key strategy for securing excellent mental health at work for all employees.
It is in this very problematic global context that Wellness Orbit has developed an early proactive intervention in the form of structured intrapersonal education.
This proactive mental wellness approach increases the quality of life and decreases the chances of anxiousness, stress, burnout, and mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, etc., all of which have become epidemic in their proportions and have serious consequences on workplaces, the economy, families and individuals alike.
Dr. Helena Lass has formulated the theory of this new approach in her scientific paper 'Developing Intra-Personal Skills as a Proactive Way to Personal Sustainability - The Preventative Side of the Mental Health Equation' (published by Routledge; London and New York 2018) to bring forward a compelling argument for a proactive approach to mental health.
This mental wellness-focused scientific paper outlines a new proactive approach to mental wellness as something that everyone should actively strive towards. Her scientific paper shifts the focus from the external reactive problem-solving approach towards more proactive education on mental wellness, whereby people who are still well can learn new skills to prevent further escalation of negative states into mental illness.
Dr. Lass researched a wealth of scientific papers. One of her famous mental wellness quotes from the scientific paper is: “there is strong and repeated evidence that intra-personal events have a direct effect on the function and structure of the brain and therefore the skills to direct these events can most likely lead to changes in wiring and neurotransmitter activity in the human brain”.
Intrapersonal skills are the foundation of the mental wellness revolution.
The other mental well being quote from Dr. Lass states: “None of the existing modalities in evidence-based psychotherapy has provided an applicable education towards re-establishing the human’s most natural state, where we identify with Self rather than ego and provided methods to systematically discontinue the automatic reactions that people have started to consider normal and become identified with.” That is why her scientific paper on mental wellness brings to focus the internal domain and sets forth that awareness-based intrapersonal skills formulate the cornerstone of self-leadership.
However, scientific papers don't change the world. Practical and applicable solutions do! That is why on this website you and your team can focus on training your mind/brain.
Only practical applications guarantee the vital change towards resilience and mental sharpness that secure productivity and improve creativity.
In case you want easy access to mental wellness books, you can start by downloading our free e-book "The Proactive Mental Wellness Approach at Work".
By now you should know what is mental wellness and why it is vital for everyone around you. Let's now observe how to secure mental wellness.
Everybody knows going to the gym or the spa or doing some physical exercise is good for physical fitness. A similar preemptive approach can ensure mental well-being, only instead of training the muscles of our physical body, we train our brains. In that sense, Wellness Orbit brings an affordable mental wellness retreat to your desktop or mobile device and makes it accessible 24/7.
Taking mental wellness training has never been easier.
Pause and watch this mental wellness video. It saves you from suffering.
Watch this short video and learn more about how to achieve mental wellness.
Ask yourself:
- What do you currently do to ensure good mental wellness?
- How often do you take a mental wellness test?
- Do you have proactive mind health courses available for all employees?
- Do people in your team have a practical and applicable proactive approach to mental wellness to secure excellent mental well-being?
- Do you and the people in your team know how to remove their own inner reactivity that causes work-related stress, worry, lack of focus and anxiousness?
- Do your employees, managers, or leaders know how to manage stress at work?
- Can people in your team spot the early warning signs of burnout, or do they walk blindly on the path of self-destruction empowered by the positive stress?
- Are you aware that burnout is one of the pathways to depression?
- Are you aware that chronic stress causes (besides burnout) anxiety and actual mental and physical illnesses?
These nine mental health questions are practical and also relate to your general health and mental well-being.
Please take a moment for the mental wellness assessment and write down what you found out. These answers help you to find a way to support the mental wellness of employees and other staff members.
Next, take some action to secure mental wellness and protect the mental wellbeing of your team.
Don't wait for problems. Take action to train your mental strength while you are still well and healthy. It can improve mental resilience and prepare you and your team for the upcoming challenges.
For example, take the free stress test (click on the link below) or read our blog posts that focus on mental wellness in the work context. With it comes also a short mental wellness e-training that you can enjoy.
Due to the nature of modern work where we mostly use our heads and mental instruments, we can assume that the proportions of demand placed upon the majority of employees (except maybe those doing physical labor only) are approximately 10% physical and 90% mental.
So far, we haven't had 'mental wellness gyms' or mental wellness training or mental fitness training programs available, where you can learn and train your intrapersonal skills to direct your own inner functions and the brain. It means that mental wellness at work hasn't been in our attention as the approach to mental health in the workplace has at best remained reactive.
A proactive approach to mental wellness is the only arena that can fill that gap – learning, and practicing intrapersonal skills enables you to be mentally healthy no matter where you are or what you do. As our brains have neuroplasticity, we can train them. By changing the existing unhealthy patterns in our brains, we can use our minds to the fullest.
Becoming a mental wellbeing champion demands training your mind.
We have developed Wellness Orbit to be the best among mental wellness websites so that you can take workplace mental wellness to a whole new level.
We aspire you and your team to learn intrapersonal skills because excellent mental wellness at work enables you to perform well and stay healthy simultaneously regardless of what you do and where you work.
Mental wellness examples are:
- The ability to focus, be it in an open office or while working from home;
- Knowing how to access creativity and use intuition;
- Keeping sustainable work patterns by securing work-life integration;
- Knowing how to relax your mind and body and sleep well;
- Keeping excellent relationships at work and in personal life;
- Being engaged and productive at work;
- Taking personal initiative.
Of course, that isn't all. There are many more positive states of mental wellness. Sustaining mental wellness will indeed require first some time and effort from your side. However, investments in mental wellness are a huge business advantage since the Deloitte report declared that the best ROI seen is 10,2.
"Take care of your employees and they'll take care of your business" – Richard Branson
Don't postpone your decision as dealing with stress, burnout, and mental health issues can be a heavy expense, just as we showed you at the beginning of this mental wellness web page.
Professional talents take a long time to train. It is your top talent that is most vulnerable to positive stress and burnout. Reducing stress and preventing burnout enables the prevention of mental health problems at work.
Mental wellness benefits everyone who values a fit mind and desires resilience
While everyone should take a mental wellness day when needed, digital training in mental wellness can deliver sustainable results and keep you and your team on the right side of the mental wellness scale.
People who obtain mental strength are engaged, productive, vital and happy. It means that mental wellbeing and productivity in the workplace represent the two sides of the same coin.
As mental wellness impacts everyone, securing mental wellness proactively should become your priority.
Training mental wellness should be as easy as going to the gym or taking bodily fitness activities for your physical fitness. For making training easy you find here a systematic approach to keeping your mind well and fit.
Welcome to the world's first fully digital mental wellness gym! We designed this training environment to improve your valuable talent.
Here you will find easy-to-use well being exercises for your mind. So, getting mentally healthy is now easier than ever before.
Here you win, and your team wins.
How can I proceed to train mental strength and achieve excellent mental wellbeing? Just click on the link below to get an offer or write to us – all queries are welcome.
Take your team to mental health and wellbeing training now. This way you can support employee engagement and productivity without paying a toll on mental wellness.
Once again, if you have any mental wellness questions or need help with choosing the mental wellness program for your team, please feel free to contact us. We love to help you.
Why should you discover more before leaving without taking your bright(est) mind(s) to mental wellness training?
One well-known financial expert stated the reason this way:
“9:1 could be the return on investment in association with mental health. As a CFO, you don’t see that very often.” – Jonny Jacobs, the Finance Director EMEA, Starbucks
Our customers have reported even better gains as we have made training your mind both easy and affordable.
Learning mental strength keeps the mind well and fit. Thus, it is ideal for you and everyone on your team!
Many thanks for taking your valuable time to read the whole page!
We ask you for a kind favor. Please help us make this preventative mental wellness method visible.
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