Mental Wellness Blog & News

New Year is coming. Where are you headed?

New Year is coming. Where are you headed?

The transition period, one year is ending and the other one is soon beginning is the ideal time to stop for a moment and ask yourself: Where am I headed? Our founder, Dr. Helena Lass has outlined these 6 points for your inner audit. This self-reflection allows you to evaluate your goals, aspirations, and the path you're currently on, paving the way for meaningful adjustments an...
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A proactive mental wellness approach can reshape human capacity

A proactive mental wellness approach can reshape human capacity

"We strongly believe in the power of applied awareness to be uplifting for people's performance and wellbeing. Life orbits around wellness. We see it as a foundation, very similar to good education, not as a reward." Wellness Orbit was born as the systematic approach to preventing mental health issues at work had been missing.  As a medical doctor and licensed psychiatri...
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Introduction of at Latitude59 start-up conference

Introduction of at Latitude59 start-up conference

Wellness Orbit focuses on securing mental wellness for teams by providing digital training for the bright minds that work within your team. The fresh concept of the planned modern online training solution is pre-introduced at the demo area of the Start-Up Conference Latitude59 on May 31 and June 1, 2016. Wellness Orbit will be a fully digital mental wellness e-training platform t...
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Introduction of pro-active mental wellness trainings

Introduction of pro-active mental wellness trainings

How to be mentally well? How to stay productive while being in contact with different stressors? How to stay focused? What is the efficient way to prevent burnout? Those are just a few unanswered questions that people come in contact with. We strongly believe that people search for answers that produce good results and aren't superficial. Such practical answers to mental health questions ha...
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