Mental Wellness Blog & News
Mental Wellness Article featured on thrive global
04.06.2018“Positive stress is a double-edged sword. It releases energy for you to float high on the tides of life, but can just as quickly turn against you…”
With burnout being one of the most common byproducts of our always-on society, it shouldn't be taken so lightly. Burnout can have adverse effects on an individual’s mental wellness, employee engagement and on a business&...
Read more Mental Health Awareness Week
17.05.2018With it being Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK this week (14-21 May 2018), HR Magazine UK has today published and shared an article entitled “Intrapersonal Skills As A Proactive Way To Personal Sustainability” written by our founder Dr. Helena Lass.
The article pointed out that the business costs of poor mental health are increasing, and businesses can no longer afford to igno...
Read more Dr. Helena Lass’ revolutionary approach to mental wellness
26.03.2018The arena of mental health has been stagnating for some time, as there is no single gene known to cause psychiatric illnesses there are no simple medical solutions. Historically the focus on mental health topics has been placed on disorders and their cure. However, prevention has been missing.
The overwhelming majority of methods in psychology have been developed as forms of intervention for a ...
Read more You can now join mental wellness e-trainings one team at a time
15.03.2018Wellness Orbit’s new and innovative e-trainings have been on the market for a year.
Despite the success, the most common question we have had from user feedback is: “Am I able to have Wellness Orbit only for certain teams within my company?”
Absolutely, we hear you! From now on the answer is always, yes!
We changed our pricing focus from whole companies and organiza...
Read more How to maximize professional skills?
27.02.2018Hiring an experienced and insightful professional who is already trained and fully competent is the dream for any employer. In reality, those workplaces that have trained such people (and they do exist!), also value them enough to keep them. You, therefore, need to build your own talent.
If you want to start retaining your own talent, you have probably wondered at some point – how is it t...
Read more Intrapersonal skills enable professional skills to shine
18.01.2018It is time to take an 'inventory' of yourself to impact positively on your inner performance...
Your awareness is probably used now like the next generation of supercomputer technology that is running only a few outdated 'apps'. It is due to a reason that you let your brain/mind operate in the autopilot mode that utilizes a much-outdated 'monkey mind' app that is consumi...
Read more The year when pro-active mental wellness was born in a scalable format
21.12.2017Last year has been a wonderful year for all of us in the team of Wellness Orbit.
We started this year without any mental wellness training on the market, now we have made several available for you. And we finished it with the best Christmas present that we could get. This best present is actually our newest client – the University of Tartu.
What makes this customer of ours so special f...
Read more How Accessible is Inner Wellness?
21.11.2017In the modern era, we tend to see humans more or less as material entities, prioritizing the physical body. That comes at the cost of ignoring mental and inner wellness and discarding our spiritual aspects.
Are you a mere physical body?
If a human being is considered to be just a physical body it equals being a bio-robot. With the change in aspirations (from mere survival to being happy and ...
Read more Why Work/Businesses Depend on Mental Wellness
10.10.2017Everything we do for work directly depends on mental functions. Absolutely everything!
Although we work with the “head”, relying dominantly on inner mental functions to get our work done, the approach in workplaces to this vital resource has been of a reactive type – becoming highlighted only when serious mental health problems emerge.
The approach to mental wellness needs ...
Read more The cost of being superficial
14.09.2017The superficial culture of ‘seen it, read it, know it ’, runs the real risk of turning us into a human collective of jack of all trades, masters of nothing.
Being superficial does not allow you and your team to use your real intrapersonal potential.
There exists a universal skill, that each of us already pos...
Read more Dr. Helena Lass was interviewed by Bill Fox
25.04.2017You are most welcome to listen to the interview with our founder Dr. Helena Lass. In this interview with Bill Fox, who is the Founder of the Forward Thinking Workplaces, you'll be able to benefit from some excellent insights.
This interview is part of the "Forward Thinking Workplaces" series.
In his interviews, Bill Fox brings together thought leaders around the...
Read more Annual membership and second mental wellness e-training are available
20.04.2017"Mindfulness is very popular, but actually it is very old knowledge. It is about recognizing. Mindfulness is only the beginning of using awareness." – Ingvar Villido
Do you as an employer desire:
Employees who know how to really listen attentively?
People, who have a growth mindset and eagerness to learn?
People, who self-manage and take responsibi...
Read more Finally, an e-training that makes mental wellness easily accessible
16.01.2017Are you working mainly with your head?
Is your work emotionally and mentally demanding?
Do you experience frequent stress or are exposed to a high risk of burnout?
Workplaces can now access the newest mental fitness solution as fully digital mental wellness online training over the Internet.
Wellness Orbit re-invented the whole concept of online learning. It is the first globa...
Read more New Year is coming. Where are you headed?
21.12.2016The transition period, one year is ending and the other one is soon beginning is the ideal time to stop for a moment and ask yourself: Where am I headed?
Our founder, Dr. Helena Lass has outlined these 6 points for your inner audit.
This self-reflection allows you to evaluate your goals, aspirations, and the path you're currently on, paving the way for meaningful adjustments an...
Read more A proactive mental wellness approach can reshape human capacity
09.12.2016"We strongly believe in the power of applied awareness to be uplifting for people's performance and wellbeing. Life orbits around wellness. We see it as a foundation, very similar to good education, not as a reward."
Wellness Orbit was born as the systematic approach to preventing mental health issues at work had been missing.
As a medical doctor and licensed psychiatri...
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