Training practices

PERFORMING UNDER PRESSURE <i>Burnout prevention e-training</i>

PERFORMING UNDER PRESSURE Burnout prevention e-training

tress reduction, burnout prevention, spotting warning signs of burnout, handling distraction, leading your attention, improve teamwork

stress, burnout, work-related mental health problems

Intrapersonal skills and mental wellness categories

Category: Intrapersonal Skills for Entrepreneurship & Work


► A start "spider" to evaluate participants individual status before the training:

    - Level of stress & risk of burnout;
    - Ability to direct their own awareness.

► 5 training videos with Dr. Helena Lass:

Session 1: Focus, Awareness & Attention

Session 2: Making Most of Time & Resources 

Session 3: A New Way to Handle Stress

Session 4: Prevent Burnout & Fatigue

Session 5: Personal Responsibility & Teamwork

► Quiz to consolidate the learned.

Workbook (incl. group discussion guidelines).

► Promotional materials + certificate.

► A final "spider" to evaluate the individual status after the training.

Alumni discussion group (incl. possibility to ask questions after the training).


Stress related facts


Come and experience it now for free! 


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e-training details
WELL FIT FOR WORK <i>Mental wellness e-training</i>

WELL FIT FOR WORK Mental wellness e-training

You will learn: how to have excellent mind health, practical intrapersonal skills, work-life integration, what is awareness, leading your thoughts and emotions, sleeping well

You will solve: unhealthy work patterns, lack of engagement/attention, frustration, toxic workplace problem


Intrapersonal skills for Entrepreneurship and Work

Category: Intrapersonal Skills for Entrepreneurship & Work


► A start "spider" to evaluate each persons individual status before the training:

    - Awareness of emotions & inner events;
    - Satisfaction with work-life integration.

► 5 training videos with Dr. Helena Lass:

Session 1: Wellbeing & Intra-personal Skills

Session 2: Physical Health & Getting Better Sleep

Session 3: Understanding & Handling Emotions

Session 4: Taming the Worrying/Wandering Mind

Session 5: Awareness in Hyperconnected World

► Quiz to consolidate the learned.

► Workbook (incl. group discussion guidelines).

► Promotional materials + certificate.

► A final "spider" to evaluate trainees individual status. This mental wellness test provides instant feedback after the training.

► Alumni discussion group (incl. the possibility to ask questions after the training).

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e-training details
GETTING THINGS DONE <i>Productivity e-training</i>

GETTING THINGS DONE Productivity e-training

You will learn: how to focus, how to be productive, how to handle setbacks, how to respond adequately, inner motivation, initiative, creativity, taking responsibility

You will solve: inattentiveness, procrastination, presenteeism, irresponsibility

Intrapersonal skills and mental wellness

Category: Intrapersonal Skills for Entrepreneurship & Work


► A start "spider" to evaluate participants individual status before the training:

    - Ability to sustain focus;
    - Level of proactivity and initiative.

► 5 training videos with Dr. Helena Lass:

Session 1: Handling Setbacks & Failures

Session 2: Taking Personal Responsibility

Session 3: Inner Motivation & Initiative

Session 4: How Awareness Leads to Focus 

Session 5: Insight, Intuition & Innovation

► Quiz to consolidate the learned.

► Workbook (incl. group discussion guidelines).

► Promotional materials + certificate.

► A final "spider" to re-evaluate the individual status after the training.

► Alumni discussion group (incl. possibility to ask questions after the training).


Problems that employees face without intrapersonal skills


Experience the mental wellness gym now!


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e-training details

Testimonials about the Mental Wellness Gym