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Wellness Orbit - The World's First Mental Wellness Gym for Teams – WELLNESSORBIT.COM – ( HOME / 1 page):
Find your e-training – WELLNESSORBIT.COM (3 pages of high-value mental wellness e-trainings + additional / 3 pages of upcoming training content):
- Training Practice 1: 'PERFORMING UNDER PRESSURE' ( the most efficient ways to avoid stress and burnout at work; find out more and book this e-training / 1 page)
- Training Practice 2: 'WELL FIT FOR WORK' ( the most comprehensive proactive mental wellness training on the whole Internet; find out more and book this e-training / 1 page)
- Training Practice 3: 'GETTING THINGS DONE' ( learn practical intrapersonal skills for boosting productivity, employee engagement and creativity; find out more and book this e-training / 1 page)
- Expected release 2025: KEEPING CALM MIND ( upcoming mental wellness training / 1 page)
- Expected release 2026: 'MOVING BEYOND DEPRESSION ( upcoming mental wellness training / 1 page)
- Expected release 2026: 'DEAL WITH ANXIETY' ( upcoming mental wellness training / 1 page)
Get a mental wellness training offer – WELLNESSORBIT.COM (Ask for a custom e-learning approach for your team today / 1 page)
Free Resources for mental wellness – WELLNESSORBIT.COM (5 pages):
- FREE MINI TRAINING: "FOCUS & STRESS REDUCTION" ( Get a taste of mental wellness gym now / 1 page)
- FREE COFFE BREAK INSIGHT: Stress and Burnout ( Enjoy the world's first mental wellness gym for free / 1 page)
- FREE COFFE BREAK INSIGHT: Mental Wellness At Work ( Enjoy the world's first mental wellness gym for free / 1 page)
- Published Articles ( Published scientific paper and free mental wellness article collection from around the globe / 1 page)
- FREE MENTAL WELLNESS e-BOOK "The Proactive Mental Wellness Approach At Work" (1 page)
Mental wellness blog and news – WELLNESSORBIT.COM (Listed by the topic from A to Z / 135 pages):
- 12 Efficient Stress Reduction Ideas (1 page; blog post)
- 7 Mental Wellness Challenges Seen by HR Managers (1 page; blog post)
- A Guide To Getting Things Done With Mentally Strong Employees (1 page; blog post)
- A Proactive Mental Wellness Approach Can Reshape Human Capacity (1 page; blog post)
- Annual Membership and Second e-training are Available (1 page; blog post)
- Are You Aware of How Work Stress Influences You? (1 page; blog post)
- Are You Aware of Mental Wellness Training Benefits? (1 page; blog post)
- Are You Aware That Employers Win the Most from Stress Reduction? (1 page; blog post)
- Build a Strong Company Culture With Engaged and Motivated Employees (1 page; blog post)
- Building Stronger Relationships Through Self-Leadership (1 page; blog post)
- Burnout Classified as an Occupational Phenomenon (1 page; blog post)
- Change as an Opportunity and Ally (1 page; blog post)
- Conquering Fear and Achieving Your Goals (1 page; blog post)
- Corporate Wellness Training Needs Mind Health Focus (1 page; blog post)
- Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace With The Support of Team Leaders (1 page; blog post)
- Cultivating Calm: Strategies To Eliminate Stress in the Workplace (1 page; blog post)
- Cultivating Inner Calmness: A Journey To Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
- Dr. Helena Lass’ Revolutionary Approach to Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
- Dr. Helena Lass Interviewed by Bill Fox – Including the audio link to the full interview (1 page; news)
- Dr. Lass Has a Mental Wellness Article Featured in New Zealand HR Magazine! (1 page; news)
- Efficient Stress Relief Starts from Training Your Mind(s) (1 page; blog post)
- Efficient Strategies For Lowering Employee Stress Levels (1 page; blog post)
- Elevating Mental Wellness Through a Systematic Proactive Approach (1 page; blog post)
- Embracing Mental Wellness: Breaking Free from Unhealthy Patterns(1 page; blog post)
- Enhancing Leader and Employee Mental Wellness Is Srucial for Organizational Success (1 page; blog post)
- Excellent Mental Wellness Boost Productivity (1 page; news)
- Finally, an e-training That Makes Mental Wellness Easily Accessible for Companies (1 page; news)
- Five Practical Steps for Maintaining Positive Mental Health (1 page; blog post)
- Foster a Culture of Responsibility And Empowerment (1 page; blog post)
- Focus on The Solution, Not on The Problem (1 page; blog post)
- Fostering Mental Health Awareness in The Workplace (1 page; blog post)
- High-Profile Mental Health Panel (1 page; blog post)
- How Accessible is Inner Wellness? (1 page; blog post)
- How Mental Fitness Promotes Clarity And Understanding (1 page; blog post)
- How Mental Wellness Can Improve Work Culture? (1 page; blog post)
- How Taking Responsibility Leads to Greater Freedom And Fulfillment (1 page; blog post)
- How to Be a Mental Wellness Hero Who Can Lead Others? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Benefit from Mental Health Online Training and Improve Mental Sharpness? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Break Free From Self-Imposed Limiting Beliefs (1 page; blog post)
- How to Deal with Work Stress Successfully Before It Causes Burnout and Problems? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Develop and Cultivate Inner Strength (1 page; blog post)
- How to Implement a Proactive Mental Wellness Program for Stress Relief? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Improve Mental Wellness? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Make Wise Conscious Choices and Keep A Constructive Mental State (1 page; blog post)
- How to Maximize Professional Skills? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Prevent Stress and Burnout in The Workplace? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Remove a Toxic Work Environment? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Secure Mental Wellness at Work and In a Crisis? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Secure Stress-Free Life? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Silence the Mind and Benefit from Inner Calmness? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Stop Procrastination and Improve Mental Fitness at Work? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Train Your Brain for Success? (1 page; blog post)
- How to Train Your Mind to Achieve Success (1 page; blog post)
- How to Turn Employee Engagement and Productivity Expectations Real? (1 page; blog post)
- International Stress Awareness Week (1 page; blog post)
- Intrapersonal Skills Are The Foundation of Work-Life Integration (1 page; news)
- Intrapersonal Skills As The Most Beneficial Investment in Employee Engagement (1 page; blog post)
- Intrapersonal Skills Enable Professional Skills to Shine (1 page; blog post)
- Intrapersonal Skills Secure Excellent Mental Wellness at Work (1 page; blog post)
- Introduction of Pro-Active Mental Wellness Trainings (1 page, news)
- Improving Focus and Concentration (1 page; blog post)
- It's Time to Focus on Mental Wellness In The Workplace – (1 page; blog post)
- Kaur Lass Took The Proactive Mental Wellness Approach to The London Medical Conference – (1 page; news)
- Leading Your Awareness at Will is a-Prerequisite for Professional Work (1 page; blog post)
- Life-Work Integration Reduces Work Stress (1 page; blog post)
- Manager Mental Health Influences and Employee Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
- Managing Anxiety at Work 7 Strategies for Dealing With Anxiety (1 page; blog post)
- Mental Fitness – The Source for Good Life and Business (1 page; blog post)
- Mental Health Awareness Week (1 page; news)
- Mental Health Day Ideas That Support Working Better (1 page; blog post)
- Mental Wellness Article Featured on Thrive Global (1 page; news)
- Mental Wellness As an Excellent Investment (1 page; blog post)
- Mental Wellness Got More Attention Than Ever Before (1 page; blog post)
- Mental Wellness Revolution (1 page; blog post)
- Mental Wellness Strengthens Personal Initiative (1 page; blog post)
- Mind Health Revolution (1 page; blog post)
- Multitasking is an illusion That Kills Your productivity (1 page; blog post)
- Nature Supports Mental Health, But Intrapersonal Skills Secure Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
- Navigating Psychological Strain: The Role of Online Trainings for Preventing Burnout (1 page; blog post)
- Navigating Stress: The Importance Of Self-Initiative In Becoming A Calm Person – MOST READ LAST YEAR (1 page; blog post)
- New Ways to Deal With Stress (1 page; blog post)
- New Year Is Coming. Where Are You Headed? (1 page; blog post)
- Online Mental Wellness Training Benefits (1 page; blog post)
- Personal Initiative as the Key to Success and Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
- Personal Initiative is the Result of Mental Sharpness (1 page; blog post)
- Pre-Introduction of wellnessorbit.com at Latitude59 Start-Up Conference (1 page; news)
- Preventing Burnout: The Allure of Proactive Wellbeing (1 page; blog post)
- Productivity Is Directly Dependent on Intrapersonal Skills (1 page; blog post)
- Promoting Mental Wellness in the Workplace: The Importance of Prevention and Self-Care (1 page; blog post)
- Reactivity versus Aware Response and Proactivity (1 page; blog post)
- Self-Leadership Is The Key To Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
- Solitude Improves Mind Health (1 page; blog post)
- Strategic Partnership With Progress People for Making Proactive Mental Wellness Accessible in New Zealand (1 page; news)
- Stop Self-Sabotaging Mental Health at Work (1 page; blog post)
- Sustainable Success Starts Within (1 page; blog post)
- The Benefits of Being a Sharp Minded Person (1 page; blog post)
- The Benefits of Personal Responsibility and Mental Wellness in the Workplace – NEW (1 page; blog post)
- The Benefits of Training Your Mind (1 page; blog post)
- The Cost of Being Superficial (1 page; blog post)
- The Definition of Mental Wellness and The Importance of Mental Wellbeing in The Work Context (1 page; blog post)
- The Experience of Life Is The Point (1 page; blog post)
- The Gift of a Calm Mind (1 page; blog post)
- The Health of Mind Represents The Foundation of Success and Well-being (1 page; blog post)
- The Importance of Intrinsic Skills For Professional Growth (1 page; blog post)
- The Mental Wellness Story of One of Our Founders (1 page; blog post)
- The New Path Towards Mental Wellness – Article by Dr. Helena Lass in Thrive Global (1 page, news)
- The Role of a Leader in Securing Mental Wellness at Work (1 page; blog post)
- The Proactive Mental Wellness Approach for All Employees Has The Best ROI (1 page; blog post)
- The Value of Inner Silence and How To Benefit from a Calm Mind (1 page; blog post)
- The Year When Pro-active Mental Wellness Was Born in a Scalable Format (1 page; news)
- Time for Self-Care (1 page; blog post)
- This Excellent New Book Allows You to Let Go of Your Disturbing Emotions (1 page; blog post)
- Training Your Inner Space as a Source of Wealth and Proactive Wellbeing (1 page; blog post)
- To Prevent Burnout and Secure Your Mental Wellness Stop Blaming Others (1 page; blog post)
- Unlock Your Potential: How Intrapersonal Mastery Boosts Soft Skills and Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
- Updated Pricing Model for Mental Wellness Training (1 page; news)
- Upgrading Intrapersonal Skills in The Face of Rising AI and Automation (1 page; blog post)
- Use Your Next Coffee Break to Find Out How to Avoid Stress and Burnout (1 page; blog post)
- What's Causing the Great Resignation and How The Proactive Mental Wellness Approach Can Reduce It? (1 page; blog post)
- We Accept Local UK Payments For the Mental Wellness e-trainings (1 page; news)
- What Is Important About Mind Health? (1 page; blog post)
- Why a Holistic Approach Is Essential for Mental and Physical Wellness (1 page; blog post)
- Why Conscious Choices Outshine New Year's Resolutions (1 page; blog post)
- Why Does Setting Wellness Goals Matter? (1 page; blog post)
- Why Intrapersonal Skills Matter More Than Interpersonal Skills (1 page; blog post)
- Why Is It Vital to Understand Loneliness and Mental Wellbeing Connection? (1 page; blog post)
- Why Mental Wellness Matters For Your Team? (1 page; blog post)
- Why Prioritizing Mental Wellness Is Important at Every Age: Insights and Examples (1 page; blog post)
- Why Regular Training Matters For Mental Wellbeing? (1 page; blog post)
- Why Should Your Team Strive for Excellent Mental Wellness? (1 page; blog post)
- Why Should Working Parents Make Mental Wellness Priority? (1 page; blog post)
- Why Work/Businesses Depend on Mental Wellness – OUR MOST READ BLOG (1 page; blog post)
- Why Workplace Mental Wellness Matters (1 page; blog post)
- Work-Related Stress at Christmas: How To Take Care of Myself? (1 page; blog post)
- You Can Now Join Mental Wellness e-trainings One Team at a Time (1 page; news)
About Wellness Orbit and the proactive mental wellness approach – WELLNESSORBIT.COM (16 pages):
- Mind Health Brings Easily Tenfold ROI (1 page)
- Be the Calmest Person in the Room (1 page)
- Intrapersonal Skills for Productivity and Mental Wellness (1 page)
- Why Intrapersonal Education Matters in The Work Context (1 page)
- The Uniqueness of Proactive Mental Wellness (1 page)
- How to Increase Mental Sharpness? (1 page)
- How to Improve Employee Engagement? (1 page)
- How to Improve Resilience? (1 page)
- How Training Your Mind Can Improve Psychological Safety (1 page)
- Mental Wellness Expert Dr. Helena Lass (1 page)
- Photos of Presenting the Proactive Mental Wellness Gym ( different events and the making of pictures / 1 page)
- Help & FAQ (1 page)
- Terms and Conditions (for users of the mental wellness gym e-trainings / 1 page)
- Contacts (1 page)
- Sitemap – YOU ARE HERE (1 page)
- Reach Us (The contact and feedback form / 1 page)
Participant Log In – WELLNESSORBIT.COM ( The link to Wellness Orbit customer/user e-training area / 1 page)
Subpages in the Estonian language / Eesti keelsed vaimse vormi teemalised alamlehed (21 pages):
- Kuidas leida ning hoida seesmist rahu? (How to find and keep inner calmness, includes a free video with Kaur Lass / 1 page)
- Stressileevendus ja läbipõlemise ennetus on vajalikud kogu meeskonnale (Your team needs stress-relief and burnout prevention skills / 1 page)
- Stressiga toimetulek ja läbipõlemise ennetamine (Stress reduction and prevention of employee burnout / 1 page)
- Vaimne kurnatus ehk vaimne läbipõlemine viib sageli töötaja kaotuseni (Burnout often leads to loss of productive employee / 1 page)
- Läbipõlemine ja selle enntus (What is burnot and how to prevent it? / 1 page)
- Vaimne vorm (Benefits of mental wellness, free podcast with Kaur Lass and video with Dr. Helena Lass / 1 page)
- Vaimse vormi koolitus aitab ennetada probleeme (Information about available mental wellness e-trainings / 1 page)
- Enesejuhtimisoskused kui vaimse vastupidavuse võti (Intrapersonal skills as the key to resilience, includes a free video with Kaur Lass / 1 page)
- Vaimne heaolu (Mental wellbeing as the foundation of life and work / 1 page)
- Meeleoluprobleemide ennetus tööl (How to prevent mood and mentality-related problems at work /1 page)
- Mis on vaimne tervis? (What is excellent mental health? / 1 page)
- Kuidas tagada hea vaimne tervis tööl? (How to secure excellent mental wellness at work / 1 page)
- Vaimne tervis on enam kui kord aastas olev vaimse tervise päeva kampaania (Mental wellness is more than mental health day / 1 page)
- Vaimse tervise probleemide ennetus tööl (Information about the prevention of mental health issues / 1 page)
- Holistiline tervisekäsitlus (Holistic health approach benefits / 1 page)
- Enesejuhtimine (Self-leadership / 1 page)
- Eneseareng põhineb intrapersonaalsetel oskustel (Self-development is based on intrapersonal skills / 1 page)
- Tähelepanuvõime (Attention and attention span / 1 page)
- Teadlikkus ja vaimne areng (Awareness, consciousness and self-development / 1 page)
- Vastutus (Understanding responsibility and moving away from inner reactivity / 1 page)
- Seesmine vabadus (How to have greater inner freedom? / 1 page)