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Wellness Orbit - The World's First Mental Wellness Gym for Teams – WELLNESSORBIT.COM – ( HOME / 1 page):


Find your e-training – WELLNESSORBIT.COM (3 pages of high-value mental wellness e-trainings + additional / 3 pages of upcoming training content):

  1. Training Practice 1: 'PERFORMING UNDER PRESSURE' ( the most efficient ways to avoid stress and burnout at work; find out more and book this e-training / 1 page)
  2. Training Practice 2: 'WELL FIT FOR WORK' ( the most comprehensive proactive mental wellness training on the whole Internet; find out more and book this e-training / 1 page)
  3. Training Practice 3: 'GETTING THINGS DONE' ( learn practical intrapersonal skills for boosting productivity, employee engagement and creativity; find out more and book this e-training / 1 page)
  4. Expected release 2025: KEEPING CALM MIND ( upcoming mental wellness training / 1 page) 
  5. Expected release 2026: 'MOVING BEYOND DEPRESSION ( upcoming mental wellness training / 1 page) 
  6. Expected release 2026: 'DEAL WITH ANXIETY' ( upcoming mental wellness training / 1 page)

Get a mental wellness training offer – WELLNESSORBIT.COM (Ask for a custom e-learning approach for your team today / 1 page)


Free Resources for mental wellness – WELLNESSORBIT.COM (5 pages):

  1.  FREE MINI TRAINING:  "FOCUS & STRESS REDUCTION" ( Get a taste of mental wellness gym now / 1 page)
  2.  FREE COFFE BREAK INSIGHT:  Stress and Burnout ( Enjoy the world's first mental wellness gym for free / 1 page)
  3.  FREE COFFE BREAK INSIGHT:  Mental Wellness At Work ( Enjoy the world's first mental wellness gym for free / 1 page)
  4. Published Articles ( Published scientific paper and free mental wellness article collection from around the globe / 1 page)
  5.  FREE MENTAL WELLNESS e-BOOK  "The Proactive Mental Wellness Approach At Work" (1 page)


Mental wellness blog and news – WELLNESSORBIT.COM (Listed by the topic from A to Z / 135 pages):

  1. 12 Efficient Stress Reduction Ideas (1 page; blog post)
  2. 7 Mental Wellness Challenges Seen by HR Managers (1 page; blog post)
  3. A Guide To Getting Things Done With Mentally Strong Employees (1 page; blog post)
  4. A Proactive Mental Wellness Approach Can Reshape Human Capacity (1 page; blog post)
  5. Annual Membership and Second e-training are Available (1 page; blog post)
  6. Are You Aware of How Work Stress Influences You? (1 page; blog post)
  7. Are You Aware of Mental Wellness Training Benefits? (1 page; blog post)
  8. Are You Aware That Employers Win the Most from Stress Reduction? (1 page; blog post)
  9. Build a Strong Company Culture With Engaged and Motivated Employees (1 page; blog post)
  10. Building Stronger Relationships Through Self-Leadership (1 page; blog post)
  11. Burnout Classified as an Occupational Phenomenon (1 page; blog post)
  12. Change as an Opportunity and Ally (1 page; blog post)
  13. Conquering Fear and Achieving Your Goals (1 page; blog post)
  14. Corporate Wellness Training Needs Mind Health Focus (1 page; blog post)
  15. Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace With The Support of Team Leaders (1 page; blog post)
  16. Cultivating Calm: Strategies To Eliminate Stress in the Workplace (1 page; blog post)
  17. Cultivating Inner Calmness: A Journey To Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
  18. Dr. Helena Lass’ Revolutionary Approach to Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
  19. Dr. Helena Lass Interviewed by Bill Fox – Including the audio link to the full interview (1 page; news)
  20. Dr. Lass Has a Mental Wellness Article Featured in New Zealand HR Magazine! (1 page; news)
  21. Efficient Stress Relief Starts from Training Your Mind(s) (1 page; blog post)
  22. Efficient Strategies For Lowering Employee Stress Levels (1 page; blog post)
  23. Elevating Mental Wellness Through a Systematic Proactive Approach (1 page; blog post)
  24. Embracing Mental Wellness: Breaking Free from Unhealthy Patterns(1 page; blog post)
  25. Enhancing Leader and Employee Mental Wellness Is Srucial for Organizational Success (1 page; blog post)
  26. Excellent Mental Wellness Boost Productivity (1 page; news)
  27. Finally, an e-training That Makes Mental Wellness Easily Accessible for Companies (1 page; news)
  28. Five Practical Steps for Maintaining Positive Mental Health (1 page; blog post)
  29. Foster a Culture of Responsibility And Empowerment (1 page; blog post)
  30. Focus on The Solution, Not on The Problem  (1 page; blog post)
  31. Fostering Mental Health Awareness in The Workplace (1 page; blog post)
  32. High-Profile Mental Health Panel (1 page; blog post)
  33. How Accessible is Inner Wellness? (1 page; blog post)
  34. How Mental Fitness Promotes Clarity And Understanding (1 page; blog post)
  35. How Mental Wellness Can Improve Work Culture? (1 page; blog post)
  36. How Taking Responsibility Leads to Greater Freedom And Fulfillment (1 page; blog post)
  37. How to Be a Mental Wellness Hero Who Can Lead Others? (1 page; blog post)
  38. How to Benefit from Mental Health Online Training and Improve Mental Sharpness? (1 page; blog post)
  39. How to Break Free From Self-Imposed Limiting Beliefs (1 page; blog post)
  40. How to Deal with Work Stress Successfully Before It Causes Burnout and Problems? (1 page; blog post)
  41. How to Develop and Cultivate Inner Strength (1 page; blog post)
  42. How to Implement a Proactive Mental Wellness Program for Stress Relief? (1 page; blog post)
  43. How to Improve Mental Wellness?  (1 page; blog post)
  44. How to Make Wise Conscious Choices and Keep A Constructive Mental State (1 page; blog post)
  45. How to Maximize Professional Skills? (1 page; blog post)
  46. How to Prevent Stress and Burnout in The Workplace? (1 page; blog post)
  47. How to Remove a Toxic Work Environment? (1 page; blog post)
  48. How to Secure Mental Wellness at Work and In a Crisis? (1 page; blog post)
  49. How to Secure Stress-Free Life? (1 page; blog post)
  50. How to Silence the Mind and Benefit from Inner Calmness? (1 page; blog post)
  51. How to Stop Procrastination and Improve Mental Fitness at Work? (1 page; blog post)
  52. How to Train Your Brain for Success? (1 page; blog post)
  53. How to Train Your Mind to Achieve Success  (1 page; blog post)
  54. How to Turn Employee Engagement and Productivity Expectations Real? (1 page; blog post)
  55. International Stress Awareness Week (1 page; blog post)
  56. Intrapersonal Skills Are The Foundation of Work-Life Integration (1 page; news)
  57. Intrapersonal Skills As The Most Beneficial Investment in Employee Engagement (1 page; blog post)
  58. Intrapersonal Skills Enable Professional Skills to Shine (1 page; blog post)
  59. Intrapersonal Skills Secure Excellent Mental Wellness at Work (1 page; blog post)
  60. Introduction of Pro-Active Mental Wellness Trainings (1 page, news)
  61. Improving Focus and Concentration (1 page; blog post)
  62. It's Time to Focus on Mental Wellness In The Workplace – (1 page; blog post)
  63. Kaur Lass Took The Proactive Mental Wellness Approach to The London Medical Conference – (1 page; news)
  64. Leading Your Awareness at Will is a-Prerequisite for Professional Work (1 page; blog post)
  65. Life-Work Integration Reduces Work Stress (1 page; blog post)
  66. Manager Mental Health Influences and Employee Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post) 
  67. Managing Anxiety at Work 7 Strategies for Dealing With Anxiety (1 page; blog post)
  68. Mental Fitness – The Source for Good Life and Business (1 page; blog post)
  69. Mental Health Awareness Week (1 page; news)
  70. Mental Health Day Ideas That Support Working Better (1 page; blog post)
  71. Mental Wellness Article Featured on Thrive Global (1 page; news)
  72. Mental Wellness As an Excellent Investment (1 page; blog post)
  73. Mental Wellness Got More Attention Than Ever Before (1 page; blog post)
  74. Mental Wellness Revolution (1 page; blog post)
  75. Mental Wellness Strengthens Personal Initiative (1 page; blog post)
  76. Mind Health Revolution (1 page; blog post)
  77. Multitasking is an illusion That Kills Your productivity (1 page; blog post)
  78. Nature Supports Mental Health, But Intrapersonal Skills Secure Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
  79. Navigating Psychological Strain: The Role of Online Trainings for Preventing Burnout  (1 page; blog post)
  80. Navigating Stress: The Importance Of Self-Initiative In Becoming A Calm Person –  MOST READ LAST YEAR  (1 page; blog post)
  81. New Ways to Deal With Stress (1 page; blog post)
  82. New Year Is Coming. Where Are You Headed? (1 page; blog post)
  83. Online Mental Wellness Training Benefits (1 page; blog post)
  84. Personal Initiative as the Key to Success and Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
  85. Personal Initiative is the Result of Mental Sharpness (1 page; blog post)
  86. Pre-Introduction of at Latitude59 Start-Up Conference (1 page; news)
  87. Preventing Burnout: The Allure of Proactive Wellbeing (1 page; blog post)
  88. Productivity Is Directly Dependent on Intrapersonal Skills (1 page; blog post)
  89. Promoting Mental Wellness in the Workplace: The Importance of Prevention and Self-Care (1 page; blog post)
  90. Reactivity versus Aware Response and Proactivity (1 page; blog post)
  91. Self-Leadership Is The Key To Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
  92. Solitude Improves Mind Health (1 page; blog post)
  93. Strategic Partnership With Progress People for Making Proactive Mental Wellness Accessible in New Zealand (1 page; news)
  94. Stop Self-Sabotaging Mental Health at Work (1 page; blog post)
  95. Sustainable Success Starts Within (1 page; blog post)
  96. The Benefits of Being a Sharp Minded Person (1 page; blog post)
  97. The Benefits of Personal Responsibility and Mental Wellness in the Workplace –  NEW  (1 page; blog post)
  98. The Benefits of Training Your Mind (1 page; blog post)
  99. The Cost of Being Superficial (1 page; blog post)
  100. The Definition of Mental Wellness and The Importance of Mental Wellbeing in The Work Context (1 page; blog post)
  101. The Experience of Life Is The Point (1 page; blog post)
  102. The Gift of a Calm Mind (1 page; blog post)
  103. The Health of Mind Represents The Foundation of Success and Well-being (1 page; blog post)
  104. The Importance of Intrinsic Skills For Professional Growth (1 page; blog post)
  105. The Mental Wellness Story of One of Our Founders (1 page; blog post)
  106. The New Path Towards Mental Wellness – Article by Dr. Helena Lass in Thrive Global (1 page, news)
  107. The Role of a Leader in Securing Mental Wellness at Work (1 page; blog post)
  108. The Proactive Mental Wellness Approach for All Employees Has The Best ROI (1 page; blog post)
  109. The Value of Inner Silence and How To Benefit from a Calm Mind (1 page; blog post)
  110. The Year When Pro-active Mental Wellness Was Born in a Scalable Format (1 page; news)
  111. Time for Self-Care (1 page; blog post)
  112. This Excellent New Book Allows You to Let Go of Your Disturbing Emotions (1 page; blog post)
  113. Training Your Inner Space as a Source of Wealth and Proactive Wellbeing (1 page; blog post)
  114. To Prevent Burnout and Secure Your Mental Wellness Stop Blaming Others (1 page; blog post)
  115. Unlock Your Potential: How Intrapersonal Mastery Boosts Soft Skills and Mental Wellness (1 page; blog post)
  116. Updated Pricing Model for Mental Wellness Training (1 page; news)
  117. Upgrading Intrapersonal Skills in The Face of Rising AI and Automation (1 page; blog post)
  118. Use Your Next Coffee Break to Find Out How to Avoid Stress and Burnout (1 page; blog post)
  119. What's Causing the Great Resignation and How The Proactive Mental Wellness Approach Can Reduce It? (1 page; blog post)
  120. We Accept Local UK Payments For the Mental Wellness e-trainings (1 page; news)
  121. What Is Important About Mind Health? (1 page; blog post)
  122. Why a Holistic Approach Is Essential for Mental and Physical Wellness (1 page; blog post)
  123. Why Conscious Choices Outshine New Year's Resolutions (1 page; blog post)
  124. Why Does Setting Wellness Goals Matter? (1 page; blog post)
  125. Why Intrapersonal Skills Matter More Than Interpersonal Skills (1 page; blog post)
  126. Why Is It Vital to Understand Loneliness and Mental Wellbeing Connection? (1 page; blog post)
  127. Why Mental Wellness Matters For Your Team? (1 page; blog post)
  128. Why Prioritizing Mental Wellness Is Important at Every Age: Insights and Examples (1 page; blog post)
  129. Why Regular Training Matters For Mental Wellbeing? (1 page; blog post)
  130. Why Should Your Team Strive for Excellent Mental Wellness? (1 page; blog post)
  131. Why Should Working Parents Make Mental Wellness Priority? (1 page; blog post)
  132. Why Work/Businesses Depend on Mental Wellness –  OUR MOST READ BLOG  (1 page; blog post)
  133. Why Workplace Mental Wellness Matters (1 page; blog post)
  134. Work-Related Stress at Christmas: How To Take Care of Myself? (1 page; blog post)
  135. You Can Now Join Mental Wellness e-trainings One Team at a Time (1 page; news)


About Wellness Orbit and the proactive mental wellness approach – WELLNESSORBIT.COM (16 pages):

  1. Mind Health Brings Easily Tenfold ROI (1 page)
  2. Be the Calmest Person in the Room (1 page)
  3. Intrapersonal Skills for Productivity and Mental Wellness (1 page)
  4. Why Intrapersonal Education Matters in The Work Context (1 page)
  5. The Uniqueness of Proactive Mental Wellness (1 page)
  6. How to Increase Mental Sharpness? (1 page)
  7. How to Improve Employee Engagement?  (1 page)
  8. How to Improve Resilience? (1 page)
  9. How Training Your Mind Can Improve Psychological Safety (1 page)
  10. Mental Wellness Expert Dr. Helena Lass (1 page)
  11. Photos of Presenting the Proactive Mental Wellness Gym ( different events and the making of pictures / 1 page)
  12. Help & FAQ (1 page)
  13. Terms and Conditions (for users of the mental wellness gym e-trainings / 1 page)
  14. Contacts  (1 page)
  15. Sitemap –  YOU ARE HERE  (1 page)
  16. Reach Us (The contact and feedback form / 1 page)


Participant Log In – WELLNESSORBIT.COM ( The link to Wellness Orbit customer/user e-training area / 1 page)


Subpages in the Estonian language / Eesti keelsed vaimse vormi teemalised alamlehed (21 pages):

  1. Kuidas leida ning hoida seesmist rahu? (How to find and keep inner calmness, includes a free video with Kaur Lass / 1 page)
  2. Stressileevendus ja läbipõlemise ennetus on vajalikud kogu meeskonnale (Your team needs stress-relief and burnout prevention skills / 1 page)
  3. Stressiga toimetulek ja läbipõlemise ennetamine (Stress reduction and prevention of employee burnout / 1 page)
  4. Vaimne kurnatus ehk vaimne läbipõlemine viib sageli töötaja kaotuseni (Burnout often leads to loss of productive employee / 1 page)
  5. Läbipõlemine ja selle enntus (What is burnot and how to prevent it? / 1 page)
  6. Vaimne vorm (Benefits of mental wellness, free podcast with Kaur Lass and video with Dr. Helena Lass / 1 page)
  7. Vaimse vormi koolitus aitab ennetada probleeme (Information about available mental wellness e-trainings / 1 page)
  8. Enesejuhtimisoskused kui vaimse vastupidavuse võti (Intrapersonal skills as the key to resilience, includes a free video with Kaur Lass / 1 page)
  9. Vaimne heaolu (Mental wellbeing as the foundation of life and work / 1 page)
  10. Meeleoluprobleemide ennetus tööl (How to prevent mood and mentality-related problems at work /1 page)
  11. Mis on vaimne tervis? (What is excellent mental health? / 1 page)
  12. Kuidas tagada hea vaimne tervis tööl? (How to secure excellent mental wellness at work / 1 page)
  13. Vaimne tervis on enam kui kord aastas olev vaimse tervise päeva kampaania (Mental wellness is more than mental health day / 1 page)
  14. Vaimse tervise probleemide ennetus tööl (Information about the prevention of mental health issues / 1 page)
  15. Holistiline tervisekäsitlus (Holistic health approach benefits / 1 page)
  16. Enesejuhtimine (Self-leadership / 1 page)
  17. Eneseareng põhineb intrapersonaalsetel oskustel (Self-development is based on intrapersonal skills / 1 page)
  18. Tähelepanuvõime (Attention and attention span / 1 page)
  19. Teadlikkus ja vaimne areng (Awareness, consciousness and self-development / 1 page)
  20. Vastutus (Understanding responsibility and moving away from inner reactivity / 1 page)
  21. Seesmine vabadus (How to have greater inner freedom? / 1 page)